Product Catalogue Omah Mebel

Omah Mebel Jepara's product catalog offers furniture for homes, apartments, hotels, villas, and offices at the best prices. We also accept custom orders for tables, chairs, wardrobes, kitchen sets, beds, gazebos, and more, using the finest teak wood from Perhutani Indonesia (TPK). Additionally, we provide several other high-quality wood options such as mahogany, mindi, sungkai, and suar. You can choose from various finishing and color options, including melamine or water-based finishes, with four primary color choices: light, natural, brown, and black. 


Custom Furniture Jepara

Omah mebel juga mempunyai produk furniture yang bisa anda pesan secara instant dan dapat menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan furniture anda, dari mulai model minimalis, klasik modern dan antik. Silahkan anda pilih produk dari katalog kami dibawa ini dan lakukan pemesanan via Chat whatsapp atau melalui email kami yang tertera di halaman kontak kami. Pesan sekarang dan dapatkan harga terbaik dari Omah Mebel Jepara.
Hubungi kami, Jasa konsultasi dan desain interior Gratis!

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